Dear Pastor:
What makes for a healthy church? Quick growth? Tumors can grow quickly, but it’s unhealthy growth. Just because a church sees rapid growth doesn’t mean that it’s healthy. Many times it’s the discontented, angry parishioners who will stomp out of their current church and rush to the church that’s creating a buzz. The church grows, but it’s not necessarily healthy growth.
A healthy church is one where most of its members are spiritually healthy. An unhealthy church is composed primarily of members with sick attitudes. A smaller church can actually be healthier than a larger church. It just depends on the sum total attitudes of its members.
As a pastor, do you know how to identify a member who supports your ministry and one who doesn’t? As you know, every church will usually have at least one or two pastor-haters. Other churches can have as many as half the congregation who are "pastor abusers." They are spiritual rebels, who will ignore all Scriptures concerning godly submission to church authorities, and their goal is to force you out of the church. Clearly, the spirit behind their hostility is not the Holy Spirit (although they will claim it is!)
A Healthy Church Member has a positive attitude. His or her main goal is to glorify God and further God’s kingdom. A healthy member knows how to cooperate, but will be kind to you even if you disagree. This person will unify the Church and will be an encouragement to the Body of Christ.
A Pastor Abuser has a negative, critical attitude and will oppose your every suggestion and action. This person will gossip and slander you, and will cause divisions and unrest in your congregation. The apostle Paul tells us to “mark those who cause dissensions among you” (Rom. 16:17). They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, which means they will pretend to be dedicated members who only want the best for the church. Scripture exposes them, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness” (2 Cor. 11:14-15). For more information, click on the cover of the Pastor Abusers book on the right.