Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chuck Swindoll's message "Boars in God's Vineyard"

Boars in God's Vineyard Chuck Swindoll gave an excellent message on troublemakers in the church called "Boars in God's Vineyard." I hope you'll have a chance to hear the entire message, but if you only have a few minutes, listen to his story from 43:17-46:46. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear man of God, Holy and Precious Greetings to you in Jesus Our Lord.

    I have Just read your Writings, Really They are Wonderful and Pleasing To God.

    Dear man of God, I am a Pastor from India. If it is God's will and if it is your will, Please Pray for Our Ministries and for the Perishing Millions in Our Country.

    Dear man of God, I and we Pray to God that HE may Bless you Richly.

    In Christ Alone
